Sunday Morning Worship: 9 a.m.: In Church & Online
Wednesday Bible Study: 10 a.m.
Visitation Guidelines
God calls us to be flexible people! Think calmness and adaptability as we all continue to explore together being the church in some new and innovative ways.
Sunday Worship — In Church Worship has resumed and webcasting the service on Facebook Live continues into the foreseeable future.
All physical (in person) meetings—by appointment or arrangement only. Call the office for more information.
Wednesday Bible Study—Virtual only on Facebook Live until further notice with recorded sessions available after the session.
If you have questions or concerns, please post them on Facebook, send a private message to the Facebook page, or call the church office (508-586-9021). Likewise, please reach out to Pastor Jeff and the church office if you have any pastoral care needs.
Please stay safe and take care of yourself and your loved ones in the midst of these unsettled times! Pray for our FELC family, our community, our nation, and world. And watch this space and our Facebook page for the latest on absolutely everything. Remember to celebrate that you are so loved by God and one another! Grace and peace.
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