Martha Guild

In 1912 the women of First Evangelical Lutheran Church founded the Martha Guild to help support and further the work of the church. Their goals were twofold:

  • To help provide and maintain church property to meet the changing needs of the church;
  • To bind the congregation together more closely by holding social events and strengthening “church family” ties.

Over the years, Martha Guild has purchased tables and chairs, sofas, lamps, hymnals, kitchen equipment and dishes, altar vessels, drapes, Christmas trees, office equipment, tablecloths, flowers, coffee breads and other foods, paid for bathroom upgrades, new windows, and painting rooms. Donations have been given to The Avon Children’s Home, Children’s Ark Preschool, Women of the ELCA, Food for Friends Pantry, Fisher House, and Vacation Bible School.

They have sent care packages to our college students and those in the military, provided free programs for the congregation, and established a scholarship.

Since most members were of Swedish heritage in 1912, Lucia Fest and Kaffe Stuga were two ongoing events instituted to aid and to celebrate the growth of community. Members receive fellowship and support for Church Pot Luck suppers, receptions after Confirmations, installations of Pastors, family orientated programs, concerts, as well as special events such as Lenten Lunches. The support of Martha Guild has been appreciated by the Sunshine Committee and Pastor’s Aid. Today and in the future Martha Guild will continue to strive to work in the tradition established 100 years ago.

All women of the congregation are invited to join the Martha Guild, please contact the Church office for more information.

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