
Can I just come by and be anonymous, sort of quietly check things out?

  • You can be as low-key as you want. Because you haven’t worshiped with us before, and we tend to be a friendly bunch, chances are someone (or some people) may greet you. A smile and a nod would be an easy way to let them know you just want some space.

Uh… so, where do I go?

  • First Evangelical Lutheran Church is located at 900 Main Street in Brockton. You can find a map on the “How to Find Us” page. The funny thing is, in spite of our impressive front church entrance, we are what you might call back door people. Go around to the back of the church and you’ll find plenty of parking and an entranceway via a canopied area. You can enter there, come up a few steps, or follow the instructions to a nearby elevator. There, you will see a hallway with several of us visiting and ushers distributing worship bulletins. Enter the church and sit wherever you feel most comfortable. And, if you feel like it, come downstairs after church and join us for some refreshments/

What time does Sunday worship start?

  • During most of the year, worship on Sunday is at 9 a.m. In July and August, until the first Sunday after Labor Day, we begin at 8:30 a.m. Check our calendar to verify time and if there are any special events going on. We welcome you to come to the church for services or to attend virtually on our Facebook page or on our homepage.

Can I come casual?

  • Yes—most of us do. You’ll feel comfortable whatever you are wearing.

Is it a good place for kids—even my teenagers?

  • Yes. There are great places to connect and child care for the little ones. We even have an excellent preschool on the premises.

I’m sort of going through some stuff right now, stuff that has been changing my views on the church and Christianity. Can you all handle my questions?

  • We’re all on our own journey and none of us pretend to have all of the answers. What we’re about is simply being part of an accepting, loving community of faith where we can all explore the big questions and support one another in answering them for ourselves. If you want to talk about God or Jesus, or your divorce, or your child who has developed a substance abuse problem, or just about anything else, there are people here who are willing to walk alongside you and support you as you wrestle with stuff.

How can I find out more?

  • You can email Pastor Jeff Johnson ([email protected]) or call the church office at 508-586-9021.

  • You’re also welcome to stop by anytime we’re open and check us out. Office hours are always posted on the homepage.

Members and friends of First Lutheran Church believe that the love of God is universal, extending to all peoples, across all barriers. In response to God’s love, we welcome all to our community regardless of what defines our lives.


Our Vision Statement

Our vision is to become a visible, outreaching community resource consisting of diverse, active, enthusiastic and supportive Christians of all ages, working together with dynamic leadership and ministering to the spiritual and social needs of the congregation and community.

Our Mission Statement

Gathered in Christ, Together We Serve

First Lutheran Church

900 Main Street
Brockton, MA   02301

  • Office: 508-586-9021

  • Pastor: 508-631-2246

  • Fax: 508-583-5501

Office Hours

  • Mondays

    • Closed

  • Tuesday – Thursdays

    • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

  • Friday

    • 9 a.m. – Noon

Other office hours available by appointment.

The Reverend Jeffrey Johnson

The Reverend Jeffrey C Johnson
[email protected]

Nina Sousa | Parish Administrator
[email protected]

Evelyn Reuben | Church Secretary
[email protected]

Dr. Steven Young
Minister of Music/Cantor
[email protected]

Dawn Caffelle
Youth and Family Ministry


Brian D. Gagne,
Mannie Robinson,
James Hodges


Highlights & Announcements

04 23 2023 Bulletin: Easter III

04 23 2023 Bulletin: Easter III

Today’s gospel begins with two disciples walking to Emmaus, overcome with sadness, loss, and disappointment. They had hoped Jesus, who was crucified, would be the ...


Upcoming Events

Weekly CalendaR

2/2/2025 – 2/8/2025


9 a.m. Holy Eucharist with Preaching

10:30 a.m.

  • Coffee Hour

  • Directory Help in the Parlor



AA Meeting 10 a.m.


10 a.m. AA Meeting 


10 a.m. Wednesday Bible Class 

7 p.m. AA New Beginnings Meeting 

7 p.m. NA The Work Continues  


7 p.m. Choir Rehearsal 

10 a.m. AA Meeting 


10 a.m. AA Meeting 



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In Remembrance

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9 a.m.
February 2, 2025

The Presentation of Our Lord | Candlemas

Officiants Today
Presiding: The Reverend Jeffrey C. Johnson
Assisting Minister: Dawn Caffelle
Guest Organist: Randy Steere

Introduction to Today’s Service
The Presentation of Our Lord is referred to in some corners of the church as Candlemas because of an ancient tradition of blessing all the candles to be used in the church in the coming year at the mass celebrated on that day. It was a way of underscoring the truth of Simeon’s confession that this baby Jesus was “a light for revelation to the Gentiles” and a light for glory to Israel. Let the light of every candle in church be a little epiphany of the love of God for all people in the person of God’s son, Jesus, the light of the world.
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7 days ago

First Lutheran Church, Brockton, MA
First Lutheran Church, Brockton, MA's cover photo ... See MoreSee Less
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